Monday, January 30, 2012

sharing is caring

bile puasa nih mule la gian tgk gmbo makanan kt amsterdam.sedappp.

makanan ni berlemak.

maka, lemak yg ada hendaklah dikongsi bersama.haha

i miss the person whom i shared this waffle with


Monday, January 23, 2012

sometimes, even heroes don't wish to be a hero.


special for one piece fans.haha

it's manga peeps! read it from the right to the left.


even the captain said that. but, when meat is the reward, it's settled, easily.

not only the title, he doesn't like cheers too.n gonna be pissed if there's one.haha

when the captain is useless, same goes to his crew:

 marimo baka.nearly as stupid as his captain

who only wants to drink booze. he even misunderstood what the word 'heroes' means

*aho crew*

haha.funny. i can't stop laughing.

opps, please excuse my inappropriate words. since no other words suit them better.haha.

